West Virginia Environmental Council Action Alert on Marcellus Legislative Bill

Urge Lawmakers to Pass Marcellus Shale Drilling Bill Out of Subcommittee

WVEC Release
7 December 2010

Last month the Joint Legislative Interim Judiciary Subcommittee A introduced a draft bill establishing a new regulatory program for gas wells utilizing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing.  While the bill is aimed at regulating the Marcellus Shale gas well drilling occurring now in West Virginia, it would apply to all drilling using these new drilling techniques.

The subcommittee will begin discussing this important bill as early as next Monday, at their December Interim committee meetings. Our preliminary reading of this draft legislation shows that it contains some good things and some not-so-good things, and omits some things we want.

But it is important that the subcommittee pass a bill out before Interim sessions end in January, so that the full legislature will have a comprehensive draft bill to consider when they convene on January 12.

Some background: Conventional natural gas drilling and production is a major industrial activity with a host of environmental consequences. Effects can range from water contamination related to drilling and disposal of drilling fluids, air quality degradation from internal combustion engines on drill rigs and trucks, excess dust from equipment transportation, impacts to solitude and night skies from noise and lighting, and safety concerns associated with the large number of trucks needed to support drilling operations. However, “unconventional” shale-gas drilling, such as in the Marcellus Shale play, represents a huge leap in technology, and causes an exponential increase in surface disturbance, water use and waste disposal. And all this new activity is largely unregulated in West Virginia.

Please contact NOW the members of Interim Judiciary Subcommittee A and urge them to pass this comprehensive draft legislation out of subcommittee and on to the full legislature for its further consideration. Committee members need to know their constituents are concerned about the greater impacts of Marcellus and other deep shale drilling and this bill is a crucial start.  Including comments about problems you've experienced or know about in other areas of the state is helpful, but not necessary. The industry has already made its opposition to this bill known -- now it's time for legislators to hear from you

Below is a list of Judiciary A Subcommittee members and their contact information.  You can also try to contact (and leave messages for) members using the Toll Free phone number: 1-877-565-3447.

Thanks for your help.

Don Garvin, WVEC Legislative Coordinator

Judiciary A Subcommittee Senate Members
Senator Herb Snyder - Chair (D - Jefferson) District 16
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7957
E-mail: herb.snyder@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 217W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Clark S. Barnes (R - Randolph) District 15
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7973
E-mail: clark.barnes@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 203W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Richard Browning (D - Wyoming) District 9
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7807
E-mail: richardbrowning@verizon.net
Capitol Address: Room 204W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Frank Deem (R - Wood) District 3
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7970
E-mail: fdeem@mail.wvnet.edu
Capitol Address: Room 217W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Dan Foster (D - Kanawha) District 17
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7866
E-mail: daniel.foster@camc.org
Capitol Address: Room 223W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Mike Hall (R - Putnam) District 4
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7901
E-mail: delegate200@hotmail.com
Capitol Address: Room 245M, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator William R. Laird IV (D - Fayette) District 11
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7849
E-mail: william.laird@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 229W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Joseph M. Minard (D - Harrison) District 12
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7904
E-mail: joe.minard@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 206W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Ron Stollings (D - Boone) District 7
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7939
E-mail: ron.stollings@verizon.net
Capitol Address: Room 229W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Jack Yost (D - Brooke) District 1
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7984
E-mail: jack.yost@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 213W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Senator Jeffrey V. Kessler (D - Marshall) District 2
(Senate Judiciary Chairman, Ex Officio member of Subcommittee A)
Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7880
E-mail: jeff.kessler@wvsenate.gov
Capitol Address: Room 210W, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Judiciary A Subcommittee House Members

Delegate William R. Wooton - Chair (D - Raleigh) District 27
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3164
E-mail: william.wooton@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 476M, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Larry W. Barker (D - Boone) District 18
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3149
E-mail: larry.barker@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 224E, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Mike Caputo (D - Marion) District 43
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3249
E-mail: mike.caputo@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 246M, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Michael T. Ferro (D - Marshall) District 04
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3111
E-mail: mike.ferro@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 222E, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Mike Ross (D - Randolph) District 37
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3145
E-mail: mike.ross@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 224E, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Robert A. Schadler (R - Mineral) District 49
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3191
E-mail: rschadler@comcast.net
Capitol Address: Room 6R, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Patti Eagloski Schoen (R - Putnam) District 14
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3141
E-mail: pschoen@mail.wvnet.edu
Capitol Address: Room 150R, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Danny Wells (D - Kanawha) District 30
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3287
E-mail: danny.wells@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 208E, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Tim Manchin (D - Marion) District 43 - Nonvoting member
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3166
E-mail: tmanchin@manchin-aloi.com
Capitol Address: Room 212E, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305

Delegate Tim Miley (D - Harrison) District 41
(House Judiciary Chairman, Ex Officio member of Subcommittee A)
Capitol Phone: (304) 340-3252
E-mail: tim.miley@wvhouse.gov
Capitol Address: Room 418M, Building 1, State Capitol Complex, Charleston, WV 25305