We Continue to Rely on Fossil Fuels to Our Detriment

Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Letter to Editor
21 March 2010

Ignorance isn't bliss. In Pittsburgh, "ignorant" is a pejorative term for not knowing something, yet proceeding blithely unawares. Such appears to be the case for proponents and beneficiaries of the extraction of natural gas from the Marcellus shale -- and for the large numbers of curiously pleased onlookers. The front page of the Post-Gazette last Tuesday contained the proud announcement that Consol Energy was buying for $3.5 billion some 500,000 acres for natural gas exploration and production ("Consol in $3.5B Gas Deal," March 16).

Largely through serendipity, a few thousand landowners and a couple of energy corporations prepare for windfall profits generated by producing new, large quantities of natural gas from the swath of southwestern Pennsylvania overlying this shale formation. But what are the underlying message and long-term effects of this project?

Beyond increasing the income of a small minority of residents, the project will temporarily lower the price of natural gas, increase its use and perpetuate the effects of fossil fuel consumption by the energy hogs that we Americans represent. By making more available nonrenewable fuel, we are welcoming our continued reliance on, and overuse of, energy, and in doing so we fail to accept or curtail its accelerating effects on our environment. (For those who claim natural gas is much "cleaner" than coal, realize that 20 percent of greenhouse gases currently come from burning natural gas and that natural gas is largely methane, the same compound emitted from livestock and about which folks have recently raised a stink.) Should we really embrace this latest excuse for denying the disastrous effects of business as usual?

Turning beyond Page One of the Tuesday edition, I found that the Post-Gazette had devoted 52 pages to boast about Pittsburghers and local businesses "Going for the green." Either green meant greenbacks or we are all playing the role of ignorant fool!

Mathew Muldoon, M.D.