
Washington PA Observer Reporter
8 June 2010

Beware Marcellus drillers

They pollute the water table with their fracking compounds and wastewater.

They create air pollution.

They create noise pollution.

They tell our neighbors what they want to hear.

They intimidate solicitors and township supervisors with potential lawsuits.

Their presentations are full of assumptions but no real guarantees.

They dangle the promise of proposed wealth and money in front of our neighbors that will likely be taxed away.

They promise jobs that will never materialize. Certainly not for our neighbors, and their claim of job creation is not filled by Pennsylvanians but rather by needy Texans and Louisianans.

I must admit they know how to get things done. Our supervisors will hide behind our solicitors and the planning commission's recommendation rather than protect the people. And the planning commission will cave in for lack of support from the supervisors and solicitor.

They will win, and Southwestern Pennsylvania will be like the Gulf of Mexico: one giant mistake after another.

Richard Yanock

Arm yourself With Education

Many tri-state citizens watched a film shown at the Byham Theater recently that will be televised on HBO at 9 p.m. June 21.

It is a documentary about the thrills and perils of Marcellus Shale drilling. Please watch it on HBO. This documentary was a winner at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 and very informative. There was a Q&A session with representatives from Clean Water Action, the Center for Environmental Research and Education at Duquesne University, the Center for Healthy Environments and Communities at the University of Pittsburgh and State Rep. David Levandansky.

The film contained facts and interviews concerning the lives of common American citizens whose lives are in turmoil due to the lasting effects of the gas-drilling boom. The film left many feeling emotional and outraged. Listen to this side of the story that you may not be aware of. The gas companies are having an orgy with the state of Pennsylvania and its citizens. We must demand state and federal regulation on this issue.

Thought for the day: Many of us are too often separated from our money and good health by the irrational belief that somebody is going to hand us a windfall. We need a collective, before-the-fact heavy dose of education to arm ourselves.

Nina Ward

Seeking Setback

If you own 10 acres or so, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is currently proposing legislation that will impact whether your land can be drilled on or not.

The legislation is proposing a 1,000-foot setback from structures. However, there is a variance permitting the drillers to not comply with the proposed 1,000-foot requirement. With 10 acres, the drillers could create a five-acre site and put in six to 12 wells. With compaction and contamination, it will be decades before anything can be grown on that land again.

Please write your legislators and ask for a 1,000-foot setback with no variances permitting less than 1,000 feet, or that the drillers must get surface-owner permission.

Ann Miller