Grant to Aid Greensboro Pier Project

Washington PA Observer Reporter
21 August 2010
By Cara Host, Staff writer

WAYNESBURG - Greene County commissioners Thursday accepted a $10,000 state grant to build a fishing pier near Greensboro, but county officials will have to find other funding sources before it can be built.

The grant from Port of Pittsburgh Commission will cover about a third of the estimated cost of $30,000. The deck will be built on the edge of the Monongahela River at Mon View Park.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers typically has to approve any structure that is built in the river, but since this proposed pier will not protrude into the waterway, approval isn't necessary, according to Jake Blaker, the county's director of recreation.

Port of Pittsburgh is a state commission that manages the port as well as the various locks and dams on the Ohio, Monongahela and Allegheny rivers.

The county took control of the 5-acre Mon View Park about five years ago. It was previously governed by a board made up of local residents.

In other business, Charles Morris' appointment as commissioner led to several reorganization actions.

Pam Snyder will remain chairwoman of the board of commissioners as well as the retirement and salary boards. Archie Trader will be vice chairman of those boards, and Morris will be secretary of the commissioner and salary boards. County Controller Dave Balint will be secretary of the retirement board.

In personnel matters, county leaders made several moves in Human Services as a result of state funding cuts. Brenda Ludrosky was furloughed, and several other people switched positions or were reinstated.

Christina King will be administrative assistant in Child Care Information Services at $12.55 an hour. Stacey Dikun returned as secretary II at no change in pay, and Angie VanDyne was also reinstated as community engagement coordinator, but her return was brief and she resigned earlier this month.

The board hired Jaime Imhoff as a county caseworker in Children and Youth Services at a rate of $16.66 an hour and promoted Janice Lahew to sheriff's deputy at $12.47 an hour.

The board accepted the resignation of Gladys Ealy as second deputy in clerk of courts and hired Lucien Schroyer as a temporary clerk in that office. Two women will start Monday on a permanent basis. Lisa Murdock, deputy clerk of courts, and Alexis Pierce, second deputy clerk of orphan's court, will both be paid $11.72.