Good Luck With Your Gas Wells

Washington PA Observer-Reporter
15 January 2010

Very disturbing but par for the course when our Texas Commission for Environmental Quality is relying on the gas industry to produce their own test and reports and then to think that those results are factual. I hope that those who live within the Marcellus Shale are ready.

It was thought that the Barnett Shale was huge until the Marcellus Shale was discovered. We are experiencing such harm to our land, water and air with the level of production we are up against. In Fort Worth alone, we are nearing 1,600 drill sites; the Marcellus Shale drill fields are going to have many more. There are so many facets to drilling that the drillers will not share with you until it is in your front yard. There is drilling, fracking, hazard chemical injection wells, transmission pipelines, battery stations, lift stations, wastewater holding pits, compression stations and recycle stations, which are nothing more then drying fields where the chemicals are held in pits and evaporated into the air (recycling?). What goes up does come down. I pray to God you are all paying very close attention to all this.

Good luck, Washington citizens.

Mike Phipps
Fort Worth, Texas