No Paradise Without Gas Rights

Washington PA Observer-Reporter
19 March 2010

Where are you, Erin Brockovich?

We were recently approached by a woman from Cougar Land Services asking us for permission to perform seismic testing on our property. When we refused she stated, "It really doesn't matter if we have your permission because the company that owns your gas rights has given consent."

This discussion resulted in many more discussions with multiple attorneys, a county commissioner, DEP officials and so on. We are now testing our well water for chemicals as a precautionary measure and we are thinking that our dream of owning property in the country to garden organically was not such a good idea.

We are at the mercy of the company who owns our gas rights. Will our property have a gas well placed on it? Will our old oak trees be cut down for a roadway to a well? Will we look out of our windows and see machinery instead of beautiful land? As the song goes, "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot."

John and Betty Robison

Scenery Hill